This sermon was on the wings of a Saturday night breakdown in which I lost it when I thought about all the people around me who are either a). currently pregnant or b). on their way to becoming pregnant after trying for less than 3 months. Needless to say, in spite of his typical patience, L. was a little annoyed with me because these meltdowns always happen at the most inopportune times (we were on our way to dinner, and he was very hungry)
Looking at they "sunny side" definitely doesn't come naturally to me and, frankly, I'm kind of caught up grieving this whole TTC thing. Sitting in the RE's waiting room continues to feel surreal, and I still look around in disbelief because I can't believe this is happening. I haven't reached the acceptance stage - okay, I'm nowhere near the acceptance stage. I'm hanging out somewhere between bargaining ("God, if you'll just let me get pregant from IUI this month, I'll do anything You want me to do for the rest of my life...") and pretty intense anger ("God, I know I've done some bad things in my life, but what did I do to deserve this??!!")
So, in light of my ongoing struggle with negativity (which I think is more reality, although L. doesn't agree), it's been a challenge for me to redirect myself to the positive on this Monday. I tried anyway by formulating the following list of things I'm very thankful for today:
1. An unexpected phone call from L. today
2. A telephone conversation with my sister
3. A telephone conversation with my mom
4. Receiving a really thoughtful e-mail from A. today
5. Hearing from my wonderful Aunt N. yesterday (several times)
6. Receiving supportive comments on my blog
My mother-in-law would love this particular blog as I think she's sometimes overwhelmed by the fact that I don't even own a set of rose colored glasses. Maybe today I've made a little progress toward believing that we will be blessed with a baby when the time is right. Here's to tomorrow and the ongoing countdown to the 28th day!!!